Tag Archive | bad clients

Avoiding Difficult New Clients

August focus: Domestic Cleaning Service

avoiding difficult new clients

Avoiding Difficult New Clients

You will come into contact with all kinds of people once you begin promoting yourself. I have seen homes that were so disgustingly dirty that my stomach turned while I was doing the quote. I have also recognised when people felt that they were better than me, just because I worked as a cleaner, and sensed that their attitude towards me was going to bring me trouble if I took on the job. The easiest way to avoid taking on a client that you can intuitively feel will do this is to give them a fee for service that is much higher than they were expecting to pay. Then the person subject to your quote can only say that your fees were too expensive, and ‘expensive’ is relative to whether or not the desired item or service has value to the intended purchaser. Continue reading

Good Clients and Bad

August focus: Domestic Cleaning Service

good clients and bad

Good Clients and Bad

Recognising a Bad Client

In this business there are plenty of bad clients. That doesn’t mean to say though, that you should treat any of them with a lack of respect. You should treat each client with the same amount of respect and value, no matter whether you are being paid well or being paid average to do their work. When a person feels valued by you they are going to tell others about you and your service. This is how you will gain referral business. But be aware that in the home cleaning business there will always be good clients and bad. Continue reading